Girls Incarcerated Wiki
Girls Incarcerated Wiki
Web Network


Given the new policy on Fandom, made effective in 2021, the rules and guidelines for this wiki require definition. This page shall be amended on an as-needed basis.

Currently, the rules are defined as such:



  1. Articles are to be written in English. Basic proficiency in the English language is expected.
    • Contributions that fail to meet a basic standard will be edited accordingly.
    • Sufficiently illegible mojibake or gibberish is subject to deletion.
      • Repeated submission of such will be subjected to a warning.
      • Repeatedly ignored warnings are considered vandalism.
      • Questionable submissions are subject to deletion without warning.
  2. Avoid excessive esoterism with submissions. Ideally, the Dozerfleet Database should put readers "in the know," more often than expecting them to already be so. If something requires reference to an obscure detail, effort should be made to assist an outsider with comprehending the obscure reference.
  3. Know when in-universe and out-of-universe perspectives are warranted.
    • Appropriate in-universe example: "Candi felt compelled to prove a point to Korsicht, that respecting Almin's life was not the same as affirming all of Darius' behavior. Hence, she ignored his moral challenge to her efforts to save the staff of Madison Juvenile..." Ciem: Ash Cloud (Candi's bio section)
    • Inappropriate in-universe example: "Ciem: Ash Cloud is set in 2016 because Candi was about 16 at the time..." (Project's development section)
      • Would be inappropriate, because that age is only applicable in-universe to the assigned age of Earth-G7 Candi Flippo. The concept of Earth-G7 Candi in Earth-G-Null (our universe) didn't exist until 2012; so she would have been 4-year-old character concept in 2016. The earliest incarnation of Candi Flippo as a general concept is the Earth-G3.1 version, which dates back to May of 2005. Meaning, that Candi as a general concept was only about 11 years old in June of 2016.
        • This would be more forgivable if "Candi would have been" had been used, as opposed to "Candi was." Because speaking about her age as a hypothetical acknowledges that she's not a real human being in our universe. The development sections on project articles are supposed to revolve primarily around describing the inspiration and process of the work itself; not in-universe details about characters in the work - unless otherwise sufficiently noteworthy.
    • Appropriate out-of-universe example: "Ciem: Ash Cloud was set in 2016, as the Dozerfleet founder felt appropriate to set the events a few months after the events in Ciem: Inferno. Also, the inspiration year was 2016, just as Ciem: Inferno was inceived in 2015 and takes place in 2015."
      • This properly explains the thought process and justifications for the setting of dates in these two works, and how they correlate to one another. Candi's in-universe age may or may not be necessary for this prior set of explanations to make sense. But if it is, then speaking in the hypothetical tense ("would be, would have been...")
    • Inappropriate out-of-universe example: "Then, as Cincinnati was being depicted as a war zone, the author decided that Madison should also come under attack from the Anito Squad..." (Story's plot section)
      • This is unnecessary. By stating that the Anitos attacked Madison in-universe before Candi discovered what was becoming of Cincinnati in-universe, it is reasonable to infer the author's intent to have those events happen with that particular alignment of continuity.
    • Keep in-and-out-of-universe transitions smooth: When describing the plot, or a character's bio, out-of-universe explanations are seldom necessary, unless there are multiple endings or different editions of a story. When describing a character's or story's inception, narrative evolution, etc., out-of-universe explanations are needed more often than in-universe explanations.
      • Smooth transition example: "Candi would not have been able to dye her hair red at that time, given her incarceration. Therefore, she was not artistically depicted with her red hair in Ash Cloud; but with her default biological black hair." See how the proper bridge words between the gap of universes makes for a better flow regarding thought process?
      • Rough transition example: "Candi's in jail then. "The author gave her black hair, not red. She gets red hair after she gets out of jail." This sort of back-and-forth is worse than MODM giving Percolation Wave riders whiplash!


  • Cite sources if you have them. This site realizes tracking down sources for information is not always easy. However, if dealing with a topic relevant to a Dozerfleet project but not an actual part of the project, such as a real-world factoid about a place mentioned in a work, and its differentiation in real life from story canon, then any sources for information are preferable to uncited ones. While this is not a strictly-enforced rule, questionable claims are likely to be investigated. Claims deemed totally bogus are subject to deletion without warning.


  1. Protect the project. Note any adjustments to Dozerfleet materials, and what is canon and what isn't. Don't instigate nonsense, and don't blindly accuse others of it.
  2. Keep your language in check.
    • We're not so soft and gushy as to demand you speak in "golly gee" all the time. (Please don't. It's annoying!) But if you feel the %**in' need to @$%& up every other word in your contribution with #**in' obscenities, you're not gonna like getting censored and warned. Most of Dozerfleet is not G-rated; but we're not X-rated either! And frankly, try to stay out of R-rated territory most of the time. And anything we'd rather avoid that is now somehow okay in PG-13 Land.
    • Avoid F-bombs (self-explanatory), blasphemy, profanity (G-d d---it!), etc., unless absolutely necessary to a quote. And indicate the quote, with citation if possible. Casually throwing this around won't be appreciated.
    • Certain words used sparingly in comments may be somewhat tolerated; but don't overdo it!
      • Frog-slammit!
      • Featherplucker!
      • Blasted!
    • Also, bear in mind to use such terminology only in quotes, or in places where speaking in second person POV (you this, your that) would be appropriate. Plot summaries and character bios are to be written in third person (him, they, them, her, etc.), making it almost never necessary.
      • Acceptable: "To which Blunderbeard replied to Rubber Joy: 'Avast! Ye blasted squeaky toy! Ye ruin me fun!' "
      • Not at all acceptable: "Bruh, that's when Miriam hired Chris to f*** the Hebbleskins' s**t up!"
        • Slightly better, but still inappropriate for plot summaries: "That was the moment that Miriam hired Chris to foul up the Hebbleskins' infernal contraptions."
  3. Handle sexual subjects with care. It's okay to acknowledge that certain characters' sexual actions, behaviors, and proclivities influence a work's plot in a particular direction. But we don't need every single pornographic detail. Read what you're about to submit carefully. If you feel like a slightly less graphic description will get the job done, there is no shame in settling for it.
    • Acceptable: "Earth-G6 Candi was tormented buy guilt; pressured to prove herself from an early age to be a noble and honest woman; yet unable to avoid the trappings and lures of men. When she finally threw caution to the wind with Denny Levens, she decided marrying him was the best way to regain some moral respectability back. She wondered how many of her college and life responsibilities had been neglected, due to her sexual appetite - and lack of self-control."
    • Unacceptable: "When she sees a pretty face with a good peener; she's gotta ride 'em cowgirl, man!" (Note: This is as graphic as staff felt like getting. Don't ask for a more graphic example)
      • This example is bad, not only because of the degenerate slang; but because wanting to jump to the visual is accomplished at the expense of misrepresenting the subject. Comprehensive Gerosha Candi may have suffered nymphomania, as most versions of Candi do at some point in their lives. However, she was still selective with regards to her men. Earth-G6 Candi has canonically only been with Don, Donte, Denny, Wayne, and Jack. Compared to Cataclysmic Candi, who has been with Don, Tyrone, Danny, Donte, Wayne, and Jack. However, Cataclysmic Candi was selective with partners even then. Don and Wayne forced themselves on her, and she fought them off. Of the other four, she made three poor boyfriend choices, and then married Donte. She wasn't indiscriminately promiscuous, as the sample wording would make her sound. Even Jissika Sundue in Earth-G7 isn't that reckless!)
  4. Handle blood / gore / other sensitive content with discretion. If it's too gory for Decolarent eam, eviscerate eum, it's too gory for here. Don't submit it.
  5. We are not your fan art gallery.
    • Images by artists other than the founder / founder sock must be approved for use in the place of founder-submitted images.
      • But if you are a more-talented artist, we're lucky to have you! Just follow the rules, okay?
    • If you have some interesting fan art, two or three small samples on your user page is okay. Keep the files small, and appropriate!
    • If you want to show us more, sites like DeviantArt exist. Submit your work there, and provide us a link on your user page.
      • Make sure it's appropriate. If the mature filter needs to be turned off to view the majority of your submissions, then don't supply a link.
      • If some (like, 1/5th of your body of work) NSFW images are on your gallery, but that isn't the majority of your body of work, make sure your link contains a content warning.
      • Acceptable: Link to a totally clean body of work on user's page.
      • Acceptable: Link to a body of work on a user's page to a DeviantArt or similar gallery site page, containing a gallery where maybe 120 images are envelope-pushing, but the other 4,000 + images are fine.
        • Link will look something like "Ivan's Weebo Fan at DeviantArt (warning: may contain a few NSFW images)
      • Unacceptable: Link to a body of work on a user's page to a DeviantArt or similar gallery site page, containing a gallery where 800 pages out of 4,000 are totally NSFW garbage, and there is no content warning given after the link. These links will be deleted, if discovered. Don't take it personally.
      • Unacceptable: Fan art galleries that are linked to on character or project article pages, rather than user pages, without prior admin approval.
      • Unacceptable: Link to an art gallery site where the images by the artist are 100% ugly, obscene, pornographic trash. Repeatedly adding these links back after they've been removed will be considered spamming.
  6. Don't abuse the totem pole. The founder / founder sock reserves some rights; but seeks to not have to resort to them. Other admins / moderators / what-have-you / have their privileges; but shouldn't lord it over anyone without warrant. Ideally, those privileges need never be used.
    • For lesser users: Seniority doesn't give you the right to be a total dick. So don't. Got it?
      • And for any Twitter-cesspool-dwelling morons reading this: the female equivalent of that insult is implied. So don't whine that staff didn't use the harsher feminine insult. The world is a better place, because of the fact that God - whom you you futilely deny - made mankind to be gender-binary!
        • It's devils who want to erase gender! Because it tells them what kinds of victims they can and can't possess when they want to assume certain forms to wreak havoc among us. And some demons are getting lazy about choosing gender forms to assume. So stop feeding the woke madness that is giving the dark spirits more power! But let's not digress too much.
          • Ignoring this to go on an anti-staff or anti-database tirade is considered detergery. See below for a definition.
      • For anyone else reading this: if you're a lady with seniority over another user, don't be a mean hen. Got it?
    • For beginner / bottom feeders: Just because the more senior members are expected to play nice with you, doesn't mean you can be juvenile and bratty. Don't even think of bringing that here! Respect your (still respectable) elders!
  7. Try to avoid importing personal drama, if at all possible. If MistyEyes43 rejected you on Facebook, we don't want to hear about it on the Dozerfleet Database. If in a discussion, and you need to reference that an event happened, that's one thing. But don't hijack the Database for your revenge schemes.
    • Acceptable: "I don't edit more, because I don't want to get in an edit war with MistyEyes43. She seems to think I'm on here because of her. But I was following Dozerfleet on Facebook before she was. I joined here, because I became passionate about the development of Ciem: Ash Cloud. Misty and I had a falling out on Facebook a few months ago, and I'm trying not to inspire any related drama here. I am here because I am a fan; not because it has anything to do with her. And I don't want it to become all about her."
      • The better question is why BobJump56 is being interrogated in the first place about his editing frequency. But if his story checks out, and Misty really is more active, and his being selective with his activity on the site is due to his not wanting Misty to think it's all about her; then his explanation is to be be honored.
        • Some moderators on Mod the Sims might deliberately fail to make this distinction, because they love misapplying rules to hurt users they don't like. (This used to be a bigger problem there in past decades.) They'd flag Bob's self-defense as being a "violation" of the rules, when it is contextually clearly not. And when he tries to appeal, they'd sneer in contempt and offer no apology, and double down on the lie they used to delete his comment and leave him a warning. Dozerfleet desires to be more context-smart and less petty than late-2000s-era Mod the Sims moderators. MTS moderators of then may have loved entrapping users; but Dozerfleet of today doesn't like entrapment.
    • Unacceptable: "I think we should remove that entry. That bitch stood me up, then blocked me on Facebook, then slept with my cousin. She doesn't deserve a platform here."
      • How long ago? And how is any of that relevant to this site, or to her entry? As long as she isn't demanding that we embrace or endorse her unacceptable offsite behavior, this site considers the fact that she engaged in such horrible behavior to be the jurisdiction of wherever she may or may not have committed it. Let the prosecuting jurisdiction put her on trial! Don't demand it here! That is asking site staff to engage in a humongous overstep of moral authority. Let's not have that discussion!
    • Unacceptable: "That bitch is a pedo in real life! You shouldn't accept any information she submits!"
      • Did she say anything that advocates unacceptable / criminal behavior?
      • Can you verify her offsite activity / all-around personal character?
      • Are any of her entries here relevant to that?
      • Did she submit anything that wasn't true to the site?
      • Can you verify the falsity of her submissions?
      • If none of the above, then if you're so convinced; why are you coming to us about Misty's alleged kiddie-diddling, and not the police / FBI (hopefully, not the corrupt agents)? We're not here to entertain your cancel campaign! If this is a serious criminal matter, take it up with the proper venues! Even if we were to honor this stupid suggestion, how would we be putting any kids out of danger by canceling a woman on a wiki who wasn't even causing trouble on said wiki? THINK!
      • If you're right, and you go to those venues and she's arrested, but none of her submissions advocate anything unacceptable or wrong, then they are allowed to stand. She will still be acknowledged for her submissions that broke no rules. We are not the Soviet Union. The name of the wicked may rot; but that doesn't give us the right to disappear someone forcibly into a memory hole based solely on rumors! And robbing someone of due acknowledgement, just because of unrelated character failings elsewhere, is wrong.
        • Hollywood may be willing to pull this Yezhov retcon to try to purge itself of Harvey Weinstein; but Dozerfleet is not Hollywood.


The founding account "BulldozerBegins" is not active, because an error in judgment by Fandom-Wikia staff in 2011 led to that account being disabled due to a case of mistaken identity with a troll using numerous sock accounts dubbed variations of "bulldozer." The active sock for BulldozerBegins is IvanRider. This sock is to be seen as the site founder.

Who qualifies for a block, by rank[]

  1. Founder and founder sock are not blockable by any Dozerfleet staff. Only by Fandom higher-ups.
  2. Any lesser admins may be blocked, but extreme measures of misbehavior must occur before a block is considered - such as attacking the founder, needless bullying / harassment of other members, or any of the blockable offenses listed below.
  3. Moderators may be blocked for less extreme offenses; but a clear-cut case of abuse is required before a need for blocking is pursued.
  4. Ordinary registered users may be blocked at the discretion of any of the above; though the above should message the founder / founder sock account first, before issuing a block. Users are judged on a case-by-case basis.
  5. Visitor IPs may be blocked at discretion of staff. However, staff will normally be expected for there to be a clear-cut reason (such as vandalism.)

Appealing blocks[]

  1. If you receive a permaban for any of the reasons given below, you're done. There is no appeal. Admins must issue permabans, not moderators, for this very serious reason.
  2. If you have a temporary block, then you may appeal to an admin if you feel the moderator acted in bad faith. Provide screenshots as unaltered as possible, and message the admins.

Blockable offenses[]

  1. Repeated reckless image uploading. See the image policy for more. These will be handled by staff on a case-by-case basis. Initial violations may simply be met with deletion of material without warning.
  2. Doxxing of random members. In the past, IP tracing and shaming of anonymous IP trolls and vandals was tolerated here. However, doxxing of registered members is unacceptable.
  3. Theft of user photos. It's not funny! And their posting of the photo anywhere else online does not constitute you having a right to use it - especially not in a defamatory manner against them!
    • Use of another's photos from this site to social media, for purposes of harassment, will lead to blocking from this site - and to reporting the abuse to the social media outlet! It doesn't matter that they don't share your views on some socio-political issue: theft and harassment don't fly!
    • Submissions of another user's stolen social media profile image to this site, for purposes of harassment or defamation, may lead to an immediate permablock of the offender in question.
      • Gloating about commission of the above offense, or dismissive "lol" comments, will lead to blocking and possible reporting. May you be consumed in Extirflame™!
      • Lying about having an excuse for this behavior, even though there is no excuse, will lead to a permablock - and possible reporting!
      • Doctoring the photo that was stolen, especially to make it extra defamatory of the subject, will get you blocked and possibly reported! Revenge porn will not be tolerated!
    • This statute does not apply to photos used with permission by the subjects in question, if there is a falling out between users / staff and the artist later, if the photo were being used for artist promotion. However, if such a falling out occurs, then photos of said artists will likely be removed as a courtesy. Admins will have the final say on this course of action.
  4. Sexuality conjecturing of other members as a form of intimidation.
    • Example: "You better not like Ion Boy's flannel jacket. If you do, you're the gayest f***ot on the block!"
      • If accused user is, that's morally regrettable on his part. However, his opinion over a fictional character's jacket is not grounds to bring it up!
      • If the accused user is NOT, then such defamation over something so petty / stupid is doubly unacceptable! At least form a coherent argument, if you're going to attack someone!
    • First offenses will get the offending comment deleted / screenshot. Along with a warning. Repeated offenses, or threatening staff over the deletion, will earn a block, or even a possible permaban! Determined on a case-by-case basis.
    • Likewise, if a user opines in a comment's section "I feel like MODM could've chosen a better costume," that is not grounds for another user to attack, saying such trash as: "You're probably some KKK slimeball who hates gays! I should have the FBI knock on your door, before you kill someone!" Such drama-instigating stupidity may or may not be tolerated on Facebook; depending on what mood Zuck is in. But it is not okay on this site!
  5. Gratuitous / defamatory pedo-labeling / projection. Goes with the rule above.
    • If the accused user is trying to promote adult-child or child-child sexual behavior, or materials which encourage it as something good, or unlawful material which solicits examples of such behavior (such as outright child porn), that's a serious matter. It should be reported / handled in a serious matter.
    • If the accused is defending or promoting outside "educational" materials that do more to corrupt than to educate in an edifying manner, that will also be treated as a legitimate case. Common-Rotten-to-the-Core, no matter what rebranding it receives post-Obama, must still be resisted, if western civilization is to be worthy of preservation!
    • But...if the accused user mentions a case involving pedophilia, because it's relevant to a serious discussion, and isn't promoting the act or going into too obscene of detail, then projecting a label on them of "you must be a disgusting pedo yourself," or threatening said user accordingly to such conjecture, will earn the threatening user a block, and possibly a permaban!
      • Grounds for going after the user: User posts links to a how-to book that depicts acts of pedophilia / bestiality, in graphic detail, as a way to glorify / advertise it.
      • Not acceptable: User mentions the Kate Hunt case of 2014 as one example of how sexual anarchist activists will outright ignore anything in court evidence that's inconvenient, just to defend the indefensible, and attack anyone who won't get on board with their train.
        • "The iPad was especially damning!" is not grounds to call the user who mentions it a pedophile!
    • Accusing staff or users of pedophilia for completely irrational non-reasons will get you blocked, or permabanned! Just because a user once changed the color of a sweater in The Sims 4 from blue to purple, to make it match a perfectly-modest clothing item featured in a TV show in which child sex was not even a regular theme or topic, solely because a teenager once wore a similar perfectly-modest shirt, is not grounds to conjecture about someone else's alleged closet paraphilias!
      • Spreading rumors over such absurdity on social media could get users reported for cyber-harassment!
  6. Any other acts of bullying / harassment will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
  7. Repeated plagiarism. At least put something in your own words, if you can! Quotes should be cited. Transcribing entire works not in the public domain, and without fair use, is not acceptable. Admins reserve the right to decide if an act warrants a block.
  8. Vandalism. Exact acts of it, and how blockable they are, are handled on a case-by-case basis. However, some really obvious no-nos:
    • Deleting an entire article or section without permission, especially for no reason, is a good way to get on a bad list.
    • Flooding articles with personal attacks against staff and other users, especially at the expense of the site's informational quality, is grounds for an automatic perma-ban.
      • Semi-acceptable: Messaging staff: "Why would the Hebbleskins have such a morbid policy against their enemies?"
      • Unacceptable: Replacing information on Duke Arfaas' plans for the Flippos with: "XYZ writer is a telltale morbid psychopath in real life, and probably is inbred, and probably lives in his aunt's basement, etc..." Don't do this, if you value your time here. Users will be alerted of such attacks against them, if discovered. The offender, at admin discretion, may be subjected to being publicly called out.
        • Trying to "cancel" other members over baseless conjectures of laughable stereotypes says more about you, than about whom you're attacking / accusing.
    • Spamming. Non-sarcastic comments about get-rich-quick schemes or Nigerian princes or how to make $1500 in under a week are a quick way to get your post deleted, and you blocked!
    • Plastering of obscenities / graffiti. If you replace material on a subject matter with flooding of "peeeeeniiiiiiiisssssssssssss!" or other, similarly juvenile behavior, you can expect a permaban without warning!
    • Repeatedly interjecting non-canon material into a discussion of canon, especially if it's total nonsense. If an article has a section that welcomes discussion of trivia about fanon, then content may be submitted there, if it is otherwise sufficiently appropriate (i.e., material isn't X-rated, etc.) Your fanfic about Miriam Flippo's one night stand with Draco Malfoy is not welcome! If it didn't happen in Earth-G7 to Earth-G7 Miriam, then it doesn't happen in her character bio section!
      • Mention of fanfics involving Percolation clones of Earth-G7.2.1 Miriam getting involved in such a manner with another character via your fanfic must be relevant and appropriate.
        • Acceptable: "The fanfic A Centipede Returns Once More to the Spiderverse demonstrates that Candi is surprisingly adaptable around Marvel's spider-themed heroes, in spite being centipede-themed. To the point of depicting her going skiing in Japan with Italian Spiderman!" (Trivia section of "Candi McArthur (Gerosha Crossover Gaming Universe).")
        • Unacceptable: "And then Lemon Witch's leg got humped by Godzilla!" (Plot section of "Frat Foul.")
  9. Detergery. Highly emotion-fueled, infantile-demonic, counter-factual submissions that read like the words of some Twitter-dwelling drama-llama with pink hair, who loves to stare at cat anuses, wear pink hats, eat detergent pods, and snort condoms. The kind that squeal like the possessed pigs in Luke 8:32 if you say #ShowMeTheChromosomeFax, and identify themselves as (read: pretend to be / are deluded enough to imagine themselves to be) "non-binary" space alien deer. And will try to "cancel" your grandma if you're not buying it!.
    Don't hijack articles to start anti-Trump or similar rants, especially if they're not at all relevant to the subject matter! This wiki is not your (detergent-eating) soapbox to whine about a failed president, and how much derangement you still have for him, his entire family, etc., even long after he's gone. Nobody wants to hear it.
    Detergery is sometimes known on this site and others by the far-less-trademark-friendly term "Tidery," in reference to Tide Pods, where the act of becoming a zombie from consuming one is a metaphor for embracing the inanity / insanity of one committing detergery, as once defined in an Uncyclopedia article. Tide Zombies are not welcome here. Slightly less extreme far-left (or in some isolated cases, far-right) NPCs are also not viewed fondly here. They survived the destruction of Sodom; but Yellowstone could still go off...
    • Acceptable: "In Earth-G7, the Obama regime enacted a policy which caused XYZ demographic to suffer PRQ consequences, leading to GRT rebellion, which put APQ character at risk..." (A highly-divisive figure in real life has a fictional counterpart, whose in-universe decisions have logical (albeit, possibly unforeseen) consequences on the other inhabitants of that world, explained as logically as the narrative allows it to be.)
    • Unacceptable: "But Drop-In's sexual predation of the girls at Madison is a strong indicator that he would have probably been one of those no-good Trump supporters in real life, because reeeee!" (Blind hatred based on blind assumptions about entire demographics in real life, and baseless conjecture about a villainous fictional character not related by the author in any way to the real-life target of said hatred, so as to hijack that character for purposes of creating a strawman to attack the real-life target's entire support base, especially if done purely for emotional venting purposes.)
  10. "Anyone I can't win an argument with is automatically an -ist / -ophobe!" This is considered a form of detergery.
    • Acceptable: "You can't go blaming all whites for the actions of a fake 'refugee' from Syria who isn't even white, especially when he is a literal ISIS sympathizer acting on ISIS ideology! It's not only racist of you to do so; but deliberately taking pains to be ignorant of the case! ISIS ideology set loose in an environment and culture governed by a completely contrary set of values, approved of by government officials who should have known better, does not equal a 'plague' of white-on-Asian hate crime anything! It equals Grey's Law in full effect, regarding elected officials and unelected bureaucrats! The Boulder shooting is literally a consequence of government incompetence / malfeasance in the 2010s! And now, those responsible, want you and me to take the blame for their own irresponsible actions regarding migrants! Xiran Jay Zhao, as usual, acted on a sensationalized news story with only half the information available to her, when making her video about it! Also, the Atlanta shooter was an unstable nut job who was not taught racial hatred. He only expressed hatred for parlors he blamed for his condition - a trait he learned from his abusive home and church congregation, which betrayed their own stated missions in life, all to serve themselves. They hurt him when he didn't make a good enough trophy, compelled him to seek a very unhealthy form of escapism, and then taught him how to never accept responsibility for his own actions, by refusing to take responsibility for their words and tempers. They pushed him over the edge by telling him he was worthless, hopeless, and too evil to matter. They now forever bear the shame of doing the opposite of the very Great Commission they loved to speak about in front of church cameras. They led that man straight to the Devil, and the Devil didn't need to try very hard to twist the man's thinking from there. Shame on all of them! But for Biden and Harris to blame Atlanta on white farmers in Nebraska who want to defend their farms from criminal miscreants of every background? Twice as insane and malicious! Roy will go to jail for what he did. But who will send the corrupt FBI to jail, after they've turned the farms in Nebraska into Ruby Ridge times a million?"
    • Unacceptable: "I can't believe you won't assume Kavanaugh guilty! That's proof of what racist / sexist scum you are!"
    • First offenses will lead to the user being humiliated with facts. If without shame, deletion and a warning. Repeated offenses could lead to a block. Retaliation by breaking any aforementioned rule may lead to a permaban.
  11. Circumvention of permabans through sockpuppetry. Sockpuppets may be allowed in isolated exceptional cases; but their use is generally discouraged. Using them to continue a spree of spreading Facebook debate group drama to a site that is not at all focused on nor interested in being part of that, however, especially after you've already bitten the dust once for such jackassery, is not going to end well for you.
  12. Unacceptable usernames. Referencing Leeroy Jenkins and Jar Jar Binks in your name by calling yourself "LeeroyGungan" is probably safe. Calling yourself BigC*ck6969, or some other similar obscenity, or IWillKillGod or some other similarly blasphemous name, is a good way to get yourself blocked from the Dozerfleet Database - if not from the whole of Fandom! So...when choosing a name, don't be an idiot! Admins will have final say; but don't poke the bear cage!
  13. Swarming. This is when you openly invite outside troublemakers to the site for the sole purpose of harassing / gangstalking staff or other users, to overrun and overwhelm them with stupidity attacks. This will lead to an automatic permaban without warning for the entire swarm! You attack like murder hornets, you get the flamethrower!
  14. Swatting. Stalking other members for the sole purpose of filing false reports on them, to get a small army in black armor / riot gear to kick their door in and terrorize them in real life, is a good way to get far worse than just a permaban from this site! Especially if you only do it because of some petty reason to hate them!
  15. Posting overtly explicit porn. If Fandom says this is a no-no, this site shouldn't have to explain it to you either! I don't care what your girlfriend can do that other girls can't with their "squirting." Nobody on this site really cares. Seek help if you think anyone does! And hurry, before psycho Democrats and the Demonic Wants Campaign (HRC) try to make that help "illegal" to seek! At the very least, keep it restricted to the .xxx domain websites. Posting that crap here is an automatic permaban without warning!
    • Characters in Dozerfleet works kissing, if canon, is not a violation.
    • Characters in Dozerfleet works kissing, if only fanon, may be a violation. Admins will have the final say.
    • Canon cropped works of a steamy scene of passion may or may not be allowed. Admins will have the final say.
    • Anything banned from DeviantArt for being too sexually explicit; is banned here. Got that?
    • Implied nudity, if canon, may be allowed. Explicit nudity, when not in an anatomical context, will be removed. Don't poke the bear.
    • A character's death, if not overly gory, but canon, may be allowed. Fanon guro will be removed, and submitters will receive a warning. Further violation will mean a block.
      • If your scene is more gory / nude / revealing than what is allowed in the Decolarent eam, eviscerate eum article, you probably shouldn't submit it.


Software restrictions[]

  • Page names should begin with a capital letter. The software requires it.
    • If you have to refer to a lesser (false) deity using "god" with a small letter G, and they don't have some other name, or none of them warrant a separate article in their name, then something like "Lesser gods of X" would suffice.
  • Unless the first word, or necessary for the title of a project, the following words shouldn't be capitalized:
    • and
    • at
    • by
    • de
    • for
    • from
    • in
    • of
    • on
    • or
    • the
    • to
    • van
    • von

Just don't do it. It messes things up.

  • Project titles should use capital letters as often as applicable.
    • "The Blue Face Film Strips," NOT "The blue face film strips."
  • Limit the use of periods in names of projects, as some browsers don't respond well.

Project naming[]

Naming of projects can get complicated. However, it's usually a good idea in most instances to keep a project title unto itself, unless division of it into more than one article is contextually necessary.

  • The Blue Face Film Strips, as long as the continuity is basically the same in all adapted forms, should only be one project article. Each adaptation of the exact same story should get its own infobox within the same article, in different sections.
  • However, the 2005 Ciem webcomic and the 2007 version have very different continuity. Their articles are kept separate.
  • Be wary of slashes in article titles. These are sometimes misconstrued by the software as an indication that you want to create a subpage. If this is not your intent, use a dash (-) where you would have used a slash. You can always correct the title later on the article's header by using the DISPLAYTITLE command.
    • Example: Ciem / Anarteq: Kahoopiliana. It may read that way in body text, and in the header for the article via DISPLAYTITLE. But the actual parsing for the article reads: "Ciem - Anarteq: Kahoopiliana."
  • The above also applies to # symbols. ( < > [ ] | { } _) are also symbols that shouldn't be used for titles. Having to reconcile MediaWiki code with HTML, using these symbols in titles creates problems quickly. A dash or space will usually make a nice substitute. Again, in page title headers, you can correct this issue using the DISPLAYTITLE command.
    • Volkonir Journals: Attempt #43. The actual article parsing just reads "Attempt 43." The "#" symbol is added with DISPLAYTITLE.
  • The period symbol (.) shouldn't be used in page titles either. This gums up browsers.
    • Something.NET can be written as "Something-Net." On the page title header, use DISPLAYTITLE to replace the dash with a period.

Character pages[]

Character pages usually try to follow a general template, which is a mix of Marvel Database and Wikipedia standards.

  • Title
  • Infobox
    • Character name or most popular alias
    • Character image
    • Caption to character image
    • Henshin hero title labeling (if a henshin hero / villain)
    • Publication info
    • Character in-universe ID data
      • Notable relationships
    • GBS ratings (if character is involved in a lot of combat)
  • Intro text
  • Lists of abilities, weaknesses, and equipment
    • Powers
    • Skills
    • Weaknesses
    • Equipment
  • Character bio
    • Whatever sections are available / applicable to discuss.
  • Personality
  • Development
  • Trivia
  • See also
  • References (if applicable)
  • External links (if applicable)

No actual template file is applied for this structure, however, apart from the infobox being an optional feature. This keeps these pages flexible, as not all characters have all this info available to them right away.

While actual page names for characters may vary, and there is some chaos leftover from previous standards, the current standard is to name a character by their proper legal name in article headings, along with whichever universe they are native to or frequent most.

  • MODM could technically mean either Mike Obediah Morisson (Master of Offscreen Dark Matter), or to his eventual replacement, Carly Rancine-Navoz. Typically, however, the alias of MODM refers to Mike, as Carly for most of Camelorum Adventures was known more as "Glitch" or as "Maddening Rod." So the correct title for him is "Mike Morisson (Dromedeverse)."
  • Likewise, there have been many women monikered "Ciem." For the Earth-G7 Candi Flippo, given her name change during the Sodality timeline after getting married, her correct article moniker is "Candi McArthur (Cataclysmic Gerosha)."
  • Characters without a proper name outside their operating alias may get one.
  • Beings from our reality don't require a universe designation in parentheses. Chad Patterson, for example, requires no (Earth-G-Null) designation.
  • Beings that are not privy to a single universe, such as Cherinob, don't require parentheses, even if they are primarily active in one universe more than in others.
  • All not-yet-converted names following the old standard should be converted in due time.

Disambiguation pages[]

These pages exist as a means to sort out confusion on a subject that grew too complicated for only one entry. For example, distinguishing the different versions of Ciem. Such pages should be marked with parentheses stating "(disambiguation)".


  • Images should aim to show the subject matter to the best standard of quality possible.
    • Staff at its own discretion may override or replace an image with a better one.
  • Desired image hierarchy is in effect. This especially applies to images of characters. The criteria for image preference, with a few exceptions, goes as follows:
    • Good photographs are considered most desirable, if the model's cooperation can be achieved.
    • Failing photographic depictions, 3D depictions with MakeHuman, Daz Studio, or a similar software package is desired.
    • Failing a good depiction through that software, a decent image drawn in software by other methods (such as via Wacom tablet) may be used, artist talent withstanding.
    • Failing that, (edited) Sims 4 renders may be used. Please don't submit unedited game screenshots.
    • Failing a good depiction with Sims 4, Sims 3 may be used.
    • Failing that, Sims 2 may be used.
    • Do not upload anything from screenshots of Google Maps.
    • Character or place artwork generated with Sims software should, whenever possible, used Dozerfleet-approved character / lot file templates. These will be supplied on DzMD.
  • JPGs are preferred for most image uploads. Ideally, use Photoshop or Photoshop Elements to optimize the image before uploading.
  • While fair use instances may exist, it is advised to avoid infringing on copyrights whenever and however possible. Follow Fandom's policies for image licensing to the best of your ability. Admins will weigh in on any questionable submissions detected.
  • Preferred file size for images is below 1.5 MB. Some animations may require going over, but nothing over 10MB! An ideal size is between 200 and 600 KB.
  • Hotlinking is generally discouraged. It's one thing if you can justify inclusion of the image at all, and are able to share it from your Flickr account or what-not. However, it is highly not advised at all to do it. Never hotlink from sites that don't grant permission!


Cite sources if you have them. Admins will have the final say on information. If the source is bollocks, the addition may be deleted. Don't take it personally.

Citation is usually done with the "<ref></ref>" tages, and the Reflist template.

Reflist is inserted into the References section of an article. Content in ref tags usually follows a formula similar to this:

Last Name, First Name. "Episode title / Article title / etc." (indicator of title type.) Greater publication title. (optional: indicator of publication type.) optional: Time of day in 12-hr. clock mode - Time zone), Day of the week, Month Day st/nd/rd/th, Year.

While adherence isn't strict to this formula, it is strongly advised as a guideline for citations.


Consensus may be wrong. What is popular is not always right. The founder has the final say on what is canon or right on this site. However, if another submitter's submission goes uncontested, then the submission should be honored. If there is need to contest it, then the comments page at the bottom of articles should be used for bringing up any disputes. Please check to see if an issue has been discussed, before starting a new discussion.


  1. The founder may revert articles on a whim. If there is not-so-clear reason, efforts will be made to contact whoever is getting the edit reverted. If the edit is useless / nonsense, reversion is without warning. If the edit is a clear-cut case of vandalism, it gets reverted without warning, and the vandal blocked.
  2. Other admins are expected to place a justification of blocks, and contact the founder's sock account (IvanRider) to make note of why they reverted the edit.
  3. Moderators are expected to report to an admin, and show cause for a reversion.
  4. Normal users may not use rollback on an article. If an article change warrants reversion, as opposed to a simple re-edit, contact higher-ranking staff. Normal users may, however, make edits, if they can demonstrate that information submitted is useful. Staff will delete nonsense if it is detected.

Page protection[]

Page protection is to be decided by admins or moderators, for the following reasons:

  1. Article is new or recent
  2. Article is subject to hot debate / controversy. It may be locked with a content warning added, to indicate that staff is aware of controversy, and intends to address it.
  3. Article is a frequent victim of vandalism.
  4. Article is of critical importance to a project in the works, and should be left alone until information submitted can be approved / verified by an admin.
  5. Article has been deleted, and admins have determined that the article should not be revived at this time.